So you would like to become a seller. First you will need to register for an account. Please visit or if you are already a buyer, click the Seller registration link as shown. This will bring you to the page to Create an Account page.
When filling out the form and entering your email address, a verification code will be sent to you via email. Once you receive the code, enter it in the verification field and continue the application form. Once submitted, our admins will look over your application. Once your store is approved, you will then be able to login and complete your store setup and profile via the Store Manager.
Once the administrator has approved your application, you will receive an email welcoming you to The Tall Exchange. This email will also have a list of “How to” guides that help you set up and manage your store.
In the email, there will be a link to your new dashboard. Click this link, and you can begin setting up your store!
Welcome to your Dashboard! A dynamic and always-up-to-date overview of how your store is performing.
Once you click the link provided for you in the email, you will be sent through the initial setup wizard for your store (Initial Setup)
To review your store’s sales data, change the start/end dates at the top to select a sales period. You will see the number of orders, total products sold, commission owed, commission paid, and data graphs.
The Order Totals is a bar chart, populating data for the report period you select.
The Product Totals gives you a quick overview of the percentage by products sold of your total revenue. Hover over a slice of the pie with your mouse for the name of the product that slice represents.
There are also a bunch of settings to set up your store properly. Include your store name, description, social media links, phone number, banner images, and avatar/icons.
This is all done on the Products tab. Here you will see all the products your store has listed on the site, their publishing status, price, categories, and tags. Hover over a product to edit, delete, or view it.
Adding a product is really easy. Simply click Add Product at the top/bottom of the Products tab.
Clicking on “Orders” brings you to your orders view where you can see all the orders customers have placed for your items. You can add notes to email to the customer, add tracking numbers, mark orders as shipped, and also print a packing slip.
The emails the customers will receive look like the one pictured below.
Customers can leave you 1 to 5 stars for your products by visiting their My Account page and clicking Leave Feedback. They can edit/update the feedback at any time; that way if you get a poor review you can work with the customer to make their experience/product better and perhaps they will update their rating!
Upload clear pictures of the item
Once item sells, package the item and ship to customer
Drop item off to be shipped!
© 2017 – 2022
The Size Inclusive Marketplace LLC